Wajdi, Majid2021-03-062021-03-062018-03-01https://www.researchgate.net/publication/3263573902580-5622http://hdl.handle.net/10673/781Scientific publication is a long process, starting from deciding research topic or research conception, research design, data collection, data analysis, interpretation results, and research publication.This paper discusses how to avoid plagiarism in a research paper. Avoiding plagiarism is part of a scientific writing ethic that always stated in any publication. Every writer should pay attention to their papers submitted to a journal or a scientific forum that they are free from unethical conduct. Writing a research paper needs overall accuracy especially in avoiding plagiarism in the paper that is to be published in a journal or to be presented at a certain scientific meeting, seminar or symposium. It is based on writers‟ experience as a paper writer as well as a journal reviewer.enavoiding plagiarismchecking plagiarismpaper writingspelling checkerAVOIDING PLAGIARISM IN WRITING A RESEARCH PAPERArticlepdf