Marcher avec le peuple

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    Plagiarism Detection in arXiv
    (2006-08-11) Sorokina, Daria
    We describe a large-scale application of methods for finding plagiarism in research document collections. The methods are applied to a collection of 284,834 documents collected by over a 14 year period, covering a few different research disciplines. The methodology efficiently detects a variety of problematic author behaviors, and heuristics are developed to reduce the number of false positives. The methods are also efficient enough to implement as a real-time submission screen for a collection many times larger
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    Modern Age of Discovery
    (Yin-Chia, Yang, 2018-09-01) Yin-Chia, Yang
    Every road had already been taken, in the twenty-first century.
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    The Bright Side
    (Yin-Chia, Yang, 2018-09-05) Yin-Chia, Yang
    How the sun shines through the extending lane of the Old Town Genève.
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    See-through Faith
    (Yin-Chia, Yang, 2018-09-05) Yin-Chia, Yang
    Climbing the erect tower of Cathédrale Saint-Pierre Genève, windows of iron gating hold both seeing and being seen in captivity.
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    Made by Nation
    (Yin-Chia, Yang, 2018-09-05) Yin-Chia, Yang
    Flags hanging over your head, shrouding over the sky, while you walk the ancient streets of Genève.
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    Way to Escape
    (Yin-Chia, Yang, 2018-09-05) Yin-Chia, Yang
    This is a photo taken at the Cathédrale Saint-Pierre Genève, featuring a window in front of a campus-like state emblem of Genève.